Both men and women can lose hair for a variety of reasons. And, in honor of August being designated “Hair Loss Awareness Month” we at MONACO Wellness wanted to make our followers aware of our approach to this vexing problem.
The classic hair loss that folks experience in middle age and beyond, “androgenic alopecia”, or “pattern baldness” results, in both sexes, from the interplay between testosterone and receptors in hair follicles that release enzymes that can shrink hair follicles, rendering them inactive. Now, at MONACO Wellness, we are beginning a program where we utilize the body’s own fibrin and growth factors, contained in the “plasma” component of blood to regenerate hair follicles and promote hair growth. This works especially well for men or women who are in the early stages of hair loss. How does this work?
Let’s say you are a guy in your thirties You’ve recently noticed your forehead appears to be growing as your hairline is beginning to recede. You see a photo of yourself from the back and notice thinning hair on the top of your head revealing an unmistakable bald spot! The inevitability of one of the most obvious signs of aging is upon you, and you’d rather not face it just yet. Guess what? You don’t have to!Your next step: Make an appointment at MONACO Wellness, writing us at info@monacowellness.org or calling (813) 252-6378. When you arrive, we will draw a small amount of blood from a vein in your arm, place the blood in a small tube, spin it down in a specially designed centrifuge machine, separating the plasma layer from the red blood cells. This fibrin, platelet and growth factor rich plasma is then injected into your scalp near the poorly functioning follicles that are struggling to maintain hair growth. Together we will monitor this area closely and watch as you regrow your own hair,using the miraculous growth factors of your own body!!
It is the most natural way in the world to get you back to that full head of hair of your youth, and you will get there under the guidance of the kind, compassionate, personalized care of the staff of MONACO Wellness. Give us a call today to discuss your options. We look forward to helping you!
Drs. John and Lisa Monaco
MONACO Wellness
(813) 252-6378