Deeper than Skin Deep

The cosmetic industry would have you believe that your youth, vitality and beauty are really only skin deep, and if there is something about your skin or appearance that you don’t like, they have a product which either covers you up or makes you look “better” than you actually do. Keep this concept in mind as you look through the ads in a fashion magazine, watch TV commercials, or walk through the cosmetic section of your favorite department store.
But let me remind you of the oft repeated adage we learned from Richard Nixon, and virtually every president after him - “The cover up is worse than the crime!”
Just as the crime lies below the coverup which we see, your beauty lies deeper than your surface skin, and it is there, deep below the skin’s surface where our best work is done at MONACO Wellness.
Dr. Lisa applies the latest technologies of radio frequency, intense pulsed light, laser therapy, diamond microdermabrasion and platelet rich fibrin to get to your deeper layers where fibroblast regrowth and rejuvenation can take place. Her results are phenomenal and her legion of fans and followers grows by the day.
Dr. John goes deeper still, to your essence. Through health coaching utilizing the Institute for Integrative Nutrition model, which relies on the understanding of primary and secondary foods. He does this by integrating the challenges of your particular lifestyle to preserve your health and well being. Through his personal and small group counseling sessions and workshops he will guide you to successfully finding your true self, and removing any obstacles to optimal health and well being.
My friends, does it make sense to find and express your inner beauty by covering up your surface expression of it?
Or does it make more sense to call or visit MONACO Wellness where we can discover and help you express your essential magnificence?
We look toward to hearing from you soon to schedule your free consultation.
In health,
Dr. John Monaco
(813) 252-6378